IAS Exam 2019
I.A.S stands for Indian Administrative Service.It is the India's top most
civil service examination.It is also known as Imperial Civil service.This exam is
conduct in every year by the Union Public Service Commission(UPSC).
2.Those candidate who are awaiting for his result after giving the exam
then they are also eligible for preliminary examination.
3.Candidate who have passed out from technical institute or M.B.B.S,they
are eligible for give the examination.
4.Candidate must be an Indian citizen.
Seat Allotment-
Total number of vacancies-896
Reserved category-39(including blindness,locomotor disability etc).
Online apply/exam date-
i)Online application form-February-March in every year.
ii)Admit card-May last week.
iii)Preliminary exam date-June month.
iv)Main exam date-September month.
1.The preliminary examination is the first selection procedure of civil
service examination.It has two objective type of paper each carries 200 marks.
Paper II: It consists of civil services
aptitude test like comprehension, interpersonal skills, decision making etc.
2.The main examination conduct to assess the overall
intellactual traits of a candidate.It consists 9 papers that include 2
qualifying papers.Those who obtain a minimum qualifying marks they will call
for next personality test.
3.Personality test is the final test which is
conducted in Delhi at the commission headquarters.The interview has taken for
275 marks.
Role and responsibilities-
The role of IAS officers is very demands a deal of responsibilities and
reverence.It needs he should be physically fit and handle any situation
officer get minimum 50000 scale to maximum 22500 scale for different position.
IAS Exam 2019